Monday, November 2, 2009

The end of capitalism and the free market

If I told you today that our government was going to be fundamentally transformed and capitalism and free market was going to be done away with would you believe me? Furthermore, would that bother you? I'm not asking you here if you think capitalism and free market are perfect, I'm asking if you think that they need to be replaced with something completely different, something called socialism.

This isn't about health care, this isn't about helping those in need. This is about the fundamental system that makes our country work as we know it. The system that made it what it is today. As I see it, there are two ways that you could argue against capitalism. Either you say, "Capitalism doesn't work and needs to be replaced", or you say, "Socialism is better than Capitalism and we should switch to that."

How many of you would agree with the 2nd one? I can't imagine many raising their hands, and if they did, can you name me a socialist/communist country that you think is better off than the US? Can't say I've seen thousands of people flocking to live in China. If you really doubt the government created by our founding fathers then why and how has the US become the great nation it is today? Do you think they made a mistake? No, I think they did a pretty good job. It's gotten us this far, it'll get us the rest of the way. If you think there needs to be change, a fix to the corruption, then change it back to the way it was originally intended, don't throw it away and go with a plan that is guaranteed to be a step backwards.

Socialism/Communism are not new ideas, they've been around forever. If you want to see how they turned out just go read a history book. How many people died in Chairman Mao's rise to power? I've heard estimates of around 70 million people dead (if you don't believe me, look it up for yourself), that's 12 times as many people than those who died in the holocaust. And yet would you believe me if I told you people high up in our government look to this very man for guidance and direction in their life?

Lets look at the other angle, "Capitalism doesn't work and needs to be replaced." Again, if it doesn't work then why are we arguably the most powerful nation on the planet? Why do people flock to the US with their hopes and dreams. People come here to make it big, they come here to have their lives saved by the worlds finest doctors, and they come here to live with freedom. But at the current rate and direction we're headed, that freedom won't be around much longer.

I hate to sounds like I'm preaching doom and gloom, but the fact is nobody else is, and people are unaware what is going on. Just suppose that the press really is controlled by the government and the Obama administration. They could easily feed you exactly what you want to hear, "Everything is ok", "This change will benefit everyone!" They tell you it's all going to work and slowly sign your constitutional rights away. Ya, I may be wrong, but what if I'm right? What if everything I say is truth? How would you feel to wake up one day in a country that looks nothing like what you know today? Saying "Oops, we made a mistake" isn't going to cut it. So even if there is a chance, a small possibility that I'm right, don't you want to be a part of that? Don't you want to have a say in what goes on? Or do you want to wake up with the realization that you did too little...too late.

Here are two clips from the Glenn Beck show where he reveals his blue curtain of revolutionaries. I strongly recommend you watch the whole show but for the sake of time, these are the ones that matter. I know not everyone agrees with what Beck says, but watch them for the videos, for the quotes. Watch it with an open mind.

Ian Holm

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