But I don't want you to take all this on my own word, I want to make a list this week of the thing's he's talked about and the alarming truth that he's shared.
1. Mark Lloyd
This man is a fan of the Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez. He is quoted saying,
"Venezuela with Chavez really an incredible revolution, a democratic revolution ..."
"We're in a position where you have to — you have to say, who is going to step down so someone else can have power?""What we're really saying is that the Fairness Doctrine's not enough and that having a — having a sort of overarching rule that says, you know, broadcasters ought to be fair, ought to provide issues important to communities and that they ought to do it in a fair and balanced way is simply enough unless you put some teeth into that and put some hard structural rules in place that are going to result in fairness."
So he's a fan of a communist dictator, he's in favor removing people from power and replacing them simply for the sake of diversity rather than their qualifications, and finally, he believes that the Fairness Doctrine (this relates to the media being fair and balanced in their reporting) is not adequate and should be replaced by "hard structural rules". Keep in mind, that last one is kind of subject to freedom of press, but who needs that anyways....right? All these quotes were accompanied by either video or audio clip. How you gonna argue with that?
2. Death Panels
Earlier in the year Beck reported on the idea of death panels. This was based on the idea that they're wanting to add health care for 30 million additional people without any more doctors and expect there not to be rationing. Understandably, there WOULD be rationing and as a result, there would be a panel of people who decides which individual will get health care and which will not. This is where the name 'Death Panel' comes from. But what did left wing people have to say about it? They blatently denied any claims about death panels and personally attacked Sarah Palin and Beck.
KEITH OLBERMANN, MSNBC: There is no "death panel." There is no judgment based on societal productivity. There is no worthiness test.
JOSH LEVS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In the end, the lie of the year, by far, according to poltifact.com — there's our drum roll — was this: It was from former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin saying seniors and the disabled would have to stand in front of Obama's death panel so that bureaucrats can decide whether they are worthy of health care.But in the end the NY Times had this to say about health care:
"The competing demands could deepen political battles over the size and role of the government, the trade-offs between taxes and spending, the choices between helping older generations versus younger ones and the bottom-line questions about who should ultimately shoulder the burden."3. Cash for Clunkers
Beck reported on the story of how when car dealers logged onto the site cars.gov, the disclaimer states that their computer now belongs to the government. They waive any kind of ownership of their computer to the government. This was all true, but what did the left wing people have to say about it?
Trueslant.com: "Beck's hysterical rantings have no basis in reality or fact and as usual the same dedicated collection of wing-nuts and conspiracy theorists have picked up the story as gospel truth ..."
Little Green Footballs: "Is there a point at which most reasonable people will start realizing that Glenn Beck is a raving freakazoid nut sandwich? What a disgrace; this is nothing but unjustifiable fear-mongering ..."
Blog For All: "Beck is an idiot who clearly hasn't done his research ... there's plenty of things to criticize about the (cash) for clunkers program ... but this isn't one of them."All those people slandering and smearing Beck without any factual basis what-so-ever. So what did the government do about that disclaimer? They changed it the very...next....day. If it was a false story then WHY would they bother changing it? The White House's response was that it was improperly worded. Does it really make sense that the lawyers were so bad that they couldn't properly word a $2 Billion program that was designed to kick-start the economy? This seizure of property is completely unjustified. But think about this, when Bush was president the left wing made a HUGE deal about the patriot act, and yet Obama is president now and the Patriot Act is still here...You don't hear a single word from the left about that.
4. Saul Alinsky
He was a radical leftist who wrote the book "Rules for Radicals". His whole idea was to take from the 'haves' and give to the 'have nots' (for those of you who don't know, this is communism). He also believed that "the ends justify almost any means" and "success or failure is determinant of ethics". Left wing people simply say that Alinsky is irrelevant today, he's just a radical from the 60s. And yet, unknown to most people, the picture taken of Obama teaching in the classroom shows him teaching the views...of Saul Alinsky. But during the election when Obama was asked about his views on Saul Alinsky, he refused to answer. So he'll teach it...but he won't talk about it.
No American president would agree with Saul Alinsky! But what did others have to say about Alinsky?
Chris Matthews: "I get a thrill up my leg when I hear Obama speak."and "It's my job to make this presidency a success."Ya that's just great....but what did he say about Saul Alinsky?
Chris Matthews: "Well to reach back to one of our heroes from the past from the 60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their argument, you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don't like and it's never perfect. You have to act in the end, like there is simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don't get anything done. I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused."Ya it really looks like Chris Matthews thinks Saul Alinsky is an irrelevant radical from the 60s...that quote was also said to the only socialist in congress, Bernie Sanders, just a coincidence I'm sure. Robert Creamer stole over $2 Million from banks but people just say that he was trying to help the poor. Sound familiar? Let success determine your morals, use any means possible to achieve those ends. Sounds an awful lot like Saul Alinsky.
5. Chairman Mao Tse-tung
This man was a communist dictator of China who was responsible for the deaths of over an estimated 70 million people! He set up Chineese Gulags and set political opponents to reform camps to humiliate them. He then declared that any who struggle should be shot. The largest cause of death during the time was suicide but Mao said,
"The people who attempt to commit suicide, don't attempt to save them. China is such a populous nation that it's not as if we couldn't do without a few people..." and "We are prepared to sacrifice 300 million people for the victory of the Chinese revolution."His killing spree never made it to 300 million but was stopped short at only 70 million....Does this sound like the kind of person our nation's leaders should be taking council from? Absolutely not! And yet we have quotes like these:
Anita Dunn: "...and the third lesson and tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers Mao Tse-tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other but the two people I turn to most"
Ron Bloom: "We know this is largely about power, that it's and adults only no limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun"What did they say in response when asked about these comments? Well Anita said "I was only kidding" and Ron Bloom didn't have anything to say, he wouldn't take any questions. Is that alarming to anyone else? That these people in the Obama administration are taking guidance from a man who killed 70 million people? On a related note, this last Christmas it was noticed that on the White House Christmas tree was a decorative ball with a picture of Mao Tse-tung on it. I'm sure that was just a joke as well. There were ornaments like those, there wasn't a single one with a picture of Washington, Jefferson, or Madison on it beside the one with a picture of Mount Rushmore on it. But even that one replaced one of the faces with Obama's picture.
This administration is a disgrace and a mockery and I plan to make that clear by the end of the week. You may hate Glenn Beck and that's your right, but every one of the things listed here were stated by Beck and ALL of them really happened. Just because the truth is scary and it hurts, doesn't make it not true. Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean you shouldn't believe it. Things really are as bad as this makes them look, wake up and do something about it before it's too late. We're a republic, not a dictatorship, we have the power to vote people out of office, keep that in mind for this next year's election.
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