Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And you thought Obama would be true to his word?

I remember Obama making many wild promises when he was running for president. He obviously just said whatever he could to make the people like him. He said he'd give them what they wanted. Well one of the things he promised was complete transparency of the white house. Obama hasn't followed through on a single one of his promises yet and specifically he is NOT BEING TRANSPARENT. Take a look at this.

The ACTA Internet Chapter: Putting the Pieces Together

For those of you who don't understand it, this is a government treaty between such countries as the US, Australia, Japan, Korea, Canada, and many countries in Europe, designed to enforce a global DMCA. For those of you who don't know what DMCA is, it stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act. What it would essentially do is grant any of the governments in the treaty the power to search anybody, seize anybody's assets, and punish anybody from any other country in the treaty for what they consider to be copyright infringement. This may not seem like a big deal, most people agree pirating media and software is bad. But what you may not see is that this is massively unconstitutional and an unbelievable loss of freedom.

The internet is supposed to be a place where you have seemingly complete freedom. This treaty would not just allow our government to police the internet, but every other government as well. To make things worse, I'm not just talking about Japan coming after you for sharing a copy of a movie, how would you feel if you made a youtube video and used the Pirate of the Caribbean theme song, only to have the police barge into your house, take your computer, and put you in jail simply because some other country told them to? Who's to say what they consider copyright? Burning a backup copy of a DVD, using a song in a movie, recording your favorite TV show, playing music in an office without paying royalties? You think to yourself, "ohh but that wouldn't happen." BUT IT COULD! That's the kind of power we're signing away here!

So what does this have to do with Obama? Well, you'd think that something of this magnitude would be on the news and out there in the open. WRONG, it's all happening behind closed doors under the ruse of "National Security". HOW is this a matter of national security? It's not, that's what. Fact be told, Obama and his administration are intentionally hiding it because they know there is no way on earth that the people would agree to something of that magnitude. It's amazing the treaty got leaked in the first place. So it makes you wonder, if Obama is hiding something like this, what else is he hiding? I just can't fathom how people are so trusting of him when he has done absolutely nothing to earn the trust of the people. I know everyone wanted  savior, but Obama is not that man. He is human and he's corruptible, if not corrupt already. Every man has his price, what makes you think he's still a "good guy"?

Ian Holm

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